Imagine getting pulled into a different sort of reality, one where your mind drifts away from its usual patterns.
Your thoughts start to slip away. They just unfold on their own and wander freely. As you sink deeper, it gets weird. Random images flicker in and out. Sometimes faces appear, words are spoken, and it’s just like you've been thrust into the middle of a conversation.
When the last threads connecting you to reality snap, these perceptions wrap you entirely, and the selfless you is engulfed in a vacuum.
You just fell asleep.
Illustration: Sarah Beth Morgan (animated using RunWay), from a stunning animated short film called Between Lines. More info here.
Your thoughts start to slip away. They just unfold on their own and wander freely. As you sink deeper, it gets weird. Random images flicker in and out. Sometimes faces appear, words are spoken, and it’s just like you've been thrust into the middle of a conversation.
When the last threads connecting you to reality snap, these perceptions wrap you entirely, and the selfless you is engulfed in a vacuum.
You just fell asleep.
Illustration: Sarah Beth Morgan (animated using RunWay), from a stunning animated short film called Between Lines. More info here.